Competition Instructions - Halikko Relay


Saturday, October 5th, 2024 in Salo

Competition Director: Jarmo Reiman 040-3556 221
Course Setter: Tuomo Mäkelä
Course Controller: Risto Gustafsson, 0400-471363
Results Service: Risto Kivinen, Result Fellows - Tuloshemmot

Specific instructions regarding the Halikko Relay


The EMIT timing system will be used in the competition. In the Halikko Relay, each team must use either 15 EMIT cards (one per runner) or 8 EMIT cards. If the team uses 8 cards, the runners on the last two legs (legs 14 and 15) must use their own card. The remaining legs will share the remaining cards alternately by leg. The EMIT numbers will be registered into the system leg by leg at the starting gate (results service tent). The same card cannot be used in two different teams or in both the Halikko Relay and the Children's Halikko Run.


The team running order must be submitted by Friday, October 4th, 2024, at 6:00 PM through the Finnish Orienteering Federation’s IRMA service. EMIT numbers do not need to be submitted as they will be registered into the system at the start gate during the competition.

If there are any last-minute changes in the team running order, they must be entered into the system at the INFO tent by 10:30 AM. Team materials (number bibs, EMIT backup patches, running order form, and any rental cards) will be distributed at INFO by club for teams that have submitted their running order. NOTE! The barcode sticker on the number bibs must not be removed! Teams should bring their own safety pins to pin the number bibs.

Rented EMIT cards must be returned to INFO by team after the competition. A fee of 70 euros will be charged for any lost rented EMIT card.


1    4,9-5,0 km   31   11:31      1    D, H-16, H50+
2    4,9-5,0 km   34   12:05      3    +---------------------------------------+
3      2,9 km     22   12:27      3    | legs 2-5:                             |
4    5,9-6,0 km   36   13:03      3    | see specific class requirements below |
5    4,1-4,2 km   29   13:32      3    +---------------------------------------+
14     6,5 km     36   14:08      1    all
15     5,3 km     35   14:43      1    D

The distances include 500-550 meters of marked routes. Forking is used on all legs.

In the competition class, teams must have 5 women, and the runners on legs 1 and 15 must meet the class requirement listed above. For legs 2-5, the team must consist of 12 orienteers who meet the following class requirements:

  • 3 free choice
  • 2 D-class orienteers
  • 2 -H18 / H45- / D-class orienteers
  • 3 -H15 / H55- / -D18 / D40-
  • 2 H65- / -D15 / D50-

In the open class, the restriction on the first leg is the same as in the competition class (D, H-16, H50+), but there are no other class restrictions.


On the first leg, one orienteer runs and sends three orienteers on to the second leg simultaneously to courses 2A, 2B, and 2C. To ensure the accuracy of the EMIT system and the results, the predetermined running order must be followed. The bib number must match the running order. The course designation can be found on the back of the map (2A, 2B, or 2C).

On legs 2-5, each team has three orienteers running simultaneously, each on their own course. The orienteer coming into the changeover sends one orienteer on the next leg. The orienteer on leg 14 may start only after all three orienteers on leg 5 have reached the changeover.


The mass start is at 11:00 AM. EMIT card check-in is available before the mass start of the Children's Halikko Run. The check-in of the EMIT cards for second-leg runners begins immediately after the mass start. To avoid congestion, be on time at the start gate.

Access to the starting area is only through the results tent, which serves as the start gate. A competitor who fails to pass through the start gate (check-in) may be disqualified. After check-in, the EMIT cards will be reset under supervision (four flashes indicate that the card is functioning properly).


All legs punch at the finish line. After the finish punch, the competition map must be handed to the official.

The runner on the first leg takes three maps for the second leg from the map stand and hands them to the orienteers waiting at the changeover fence. The orienteers on the second leg check the back of the map to ensure they take the correct map according to the running order (2A, 2B, or 2C). This ensures that the orienteers receive the correct course results.

On legs 2-5, the runner coming into the changeover takes the top map for the next leg from the map stand, which is marked with their team number, proceeds to the changeover fence, and hands the map to the next runner.

The first two orienteers on leg 5 take a colored map holder (yellow and red) instead of a map from the stand and deliver it to the orienteer on leg 14. Only the third orienteer on leg 5 takes the map for leg 14 from the stand and hands it to the waiting orienteer at the changeover fence. The orienteer on leg 14 must hand over the colored map holders to the official stationed along the K-marked route.

A team that takes the wrong map will be disqualified. A team whose map has been taken by someone else will receive a replacement map from the map stand official, but no time compensation will be given. The outgoing runner should always check that they receive the correct map! The team is responsible for taking the correct map, even if one of the team’s runners is a leg behind!

Disqualified teams may continue the relay as usual if they are more than 20 minutes behind the leading team. If the disqualified team is less than 20 minutes behind the leader, their race will be stopped at the next changeover, ensuring that the gap to the leading team is at least 20 minutes.

NOTE! After their leg, the runner must exit the changeover area through the EMIT control check.

Each team may have one team official in the changeover area to help the competitors.


The team’s ranking is determined at the finish line. The anchor runners make the finish line punch after crossing the finish line, at which point the team’s final time is recorded. In sprint finishes, the finish judge determines the ranking based on the finish line, and times are corrected to match the order at the finish line, regardless of the stamping order. The map must be handed to the official.


The changeover will close at approximately 3:20 PM, with the exact time announced over the loudspeaker. The mass start will take place immediately after the changeover closes from the map stand. The finish will close at 5:30 PM.

Specific instructions regarding the Children's Halikko Run


The race distance is 3.9 km, including 530 meters of marked routes. The ideal time is 24 minutes.


The mass start is at 10:45 AM. EMIT card check-in begins at the start gate at 10:20 AM. All competitors must pass through the start gate for check-in. Competitors are allowed to look at their own competition map one minute before the start.


Number bibs are used in the competition. Number bibs and backup patches can be found next to the Info tent. There are no separate control descriptions.


The competitors' placement is determined at the finish line. After crossing the finish line, a finish punch is made, which records the runner’s final time. In sprint finishes, the finish judge determines the ranking based on the finish line, and the times are adjusted to match the order at the finish line, regardless of the punching order. Maps are not collected at the finish.

Note! Competitors in the Children's Halikko Run are also allowed to participate in the Halikko Relay.

General Competition Instructions


The competition terrain consists of varied southwest Finnish terrain.


In the Children's Halikko Run and on legs 3 and 5 of the Halikko Relay, the scale is 1:7500. On other legs of the Halikko Relay, the scale is 1:10,000. Contour interval is 5 meters, printed in 10/2024, mapped by Ari Salonen. The map size is A4 and it is enclosed in a plastic cover. Maps in the Children's Halikko Run will not be collected at the finish.


Controls are marked in the terrain with orange and white control flags. Each control has an EMIT unit. Stamping must be done so that an imprint is made on the EMIT backup patch. Control descriptions are printed on the map. Control codes are also printed next to the control's sequence number (e.g., 1-31).

There are controls located close to each other in the terrain, so please check the code carefully. On legs that visit the spectator control, the courses cross near the competition center, and competitors should be careful to visit the controls in the correct order.


All competitors will cross the road leading to the competition center. At the crossing point, there is a short, mandatory marked route from the previous control across the road. This marked route is indicated in the control descriptions, but it is so short that it may not be clearly visible on the course print.

Elsewhere, the road is marked as an out-of-bounds route, and using it for route choice is prohibited. Parts of the road are taped to clarify this, but the tape is not shown on the map.


After the K-point (actual starting point) in the Halikko Relay, there are two archaeological sites marked in the terrain with tape for forbidden areas. Forbidden areas are not marked on the map.

Other forbidden areas are marked on the map with out-of-bounds area. If a continuous line is drawn along the edge of a forbidden area on the map, that edge is marked with tape in the terrain.


The Children's Halikko Run and the Halikko Relay have different K-points. The mass starts for the two events also take place from slightly different locations. Check compeition arena map and follow the organizers' instructions.

Warm-up is allowed in the open area of the competition center. Warm-up along the route to the K-point is only allowed for first-leg competitors of the Halikko Relay.


GPS tracking is used in the Children's Halikko Run and on legs 3, 4, 5, 14, and 15 of the Halikko Relay.

In the Children's Halikko Run, all competitors are tracked. Participants should arrive at check-in early, as there may be congestion when distributing GPS devices. It is permitted to refuse the use of a GPS device.

In the Halikko Relay, the teams being tracked will be announced on the Halikko Relay website by Friday, October 4th. The organizer may change the teams being tracked during the relay. Refusal to use a GPS device will result in disqualification.

Competitors will receive their GPS devices at check-in. The GPS device must remain on from check-in until the team returns the device after the stamping check. The organizer provides GPS vests, but competitors are encouraged to use their own vests if available. GPS vests are available next to the results service tent. It is recommended to collect the vest in advance.


Legs 1, 2, 4, 14, and 15 of the Halikko Relay will pass through the spectator control located at the competition center.


GPS tracking and video footage from the terrain will be shown on the screen at the competition center. Competitors who have not yet started are free to watch the live broadcast. GPS tracking for the Children's Halikko Run will be available for public viewing via the GPS tracking web application as soon as the race begins. GPS tracking for the Halikko Relay will be made public once the leading teams' anchor runners have entered the terrain.


The use of GPS devices without map display is allowed. Recorded GPS data must not be used to improve performance during the competition. Route data from the Halikko Relay can be uploaded to internet services once the GPS tracking links have been made public, but no later than after the mass start of the final legs. There are no restrictions on the use of GPS data after the Children's Halikko Run.


Parking is located at the driving practice track, 500-800 meters from the competition center. No parking fee.


There are washing facilities, toilets, and first aid available at the competition center. Locations can be found on the arena map and at the guide post. There are no water stations in the terrain.


Maps will be distributed by club from INFO after the mass start, starting around 3:30 PM.


The award ceremony for the Children's Halikko Run will take place at approximately 11:40 AM. The top six in both categories will be awarded.

The award ceremony for the Halikko Relay will begin around 3:40 PM. In the competition class, the top six teams will be awarded. In the open class, one lottery prize will be awarded.


Reittihärveli and Livelox will be available after the competition.


Lost and found items can be inquired about during the competition at INFO and after the competition by calling 0440-220765 (Anu Reiman).


Courses 3.1 km (map 1:7500) and 5.1 km (map 1:10 000), with start times for recreational orienteering between 11:10 AM and 1:10 PM. Entry fee 12 €, under 16 years 6 €. EMIT punching, rental card 4 €. Maps can be purchased at INFO. A separate start and finish are located about 700 meters from the guide post (see competition center map). Runners in open courses must not run into the Halikko Relay finish. Those who abandon their course must report to the open courses finish after their run. Participation in open courses is at each participant's own risk. Control descriptions are printed on the maps, no separate descriptions.


Photos of competitors and spectators will be taken and may be used freely by the event organizer. If you wish to have a photo in which you are identifiable removed from public distribution, please contact the event organizer.


Petri Paukkunen, MS Parma, chairman
Jenny Patana, RaJu, member
Simo Tuomala, PertPe, member

GOOD LUCK, Angelniemen Ankkuri