EM-kisat ensi viikolla, mukana kolme ankkurilaista
Suunnistuksen EM-kisat käydään ensi viikon aikana Italiassa. Tarkemmin sanottuna Koillis-Italiassa kuuluisan Garda-järven lähettyvillä. Vuorovuosiperiaatteella EM-kisat sisältävät tänä vuonna vain sprinttimatkoja MM-kisojen ollessa maaston puolella. Ensi vuonna sitten taas päinvastoin. Katso koko viikon EM-ohjelma tästä. Mitalimatkat ovat
- Ke 4.10. Sprintti
- Pe 6.10 Sprinttiviesti
- Su 8.10. Knock Out -sprintti
Kolme ankkurilaista EM-kisoissa
EM-kisoissa nähdään kaikkiaan kolme Ankkurin nuttua pohjoismaisella seuratasolla kantavaa nuorta urheilijaa. Saksan maajoukkueen
Colin Kolbe on jo muutaman vuoden lukeutunut erityisesti sprinttimatkoilla kansainväliseen kärkeen tai vähintään aivan sen tuntumaan. Viime vuonna Colin saavutti pronssia opiskelijoiden MM-kisoissa. Ranskan maajoukkuepaidassa aikuisten arvokisadebyyttinsä puolestaan tekevät vielä ensi vuonnakin nuorten sarjaan mahtuvat
Guilhem Verove sekä
Annabelle Delenne. Guilhem ehti saavuttaa aiemmin tänä vuonna jo nuorten MM-hopeaa sprintissä ja yhdessä mm. Annabellen kanssa sprinttiviestin 4. sijan.
Ankkurin tietotoimisto on saanut seuran EM-edustajat kiinni kesken kisoihin valmistavan treenijakson ja kysellyt viime hetken fiiliksiä ennen EM-startteja.
COLIN KOLBE, What is your programme in EOC?
- I will run the full program!
Expectations on the races?
- My focus is on the individual sprint, followed by the KO-Sprint. The finals are in dense and tricky urban "old-towns", so for sprinting it will be amazing terrains. At the same time are both cities quite popular tourist destinations so I hope the organizers will manage that well too.
- My goal is top30 in the individual sprint but it is certainly not a easy task. In the KO-Sprint I wanna reach the Semi-final but it´s a discipline where a lot is possible in both direction of the result list so let´s see!
How have you prepared and how has your preparation gone?
- The preparation started basically after Jukola where I switched my physical training towards sprint-orienteering. There aren´t too many good sprint very close by here in Germany but I trained a few sprints in Latvia and was of course at the Finnish sprint champs. Physically I started to feel pretty strong again in the past few weeks so I am traveling to EOC with a bit of confidence and hope I will get my orienteering in line as well.
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- Bella Italia!
GUILHEM VEROVE, What is your programme in EOC?
- I will run the individual sprint and KO sprint. Unfortunately there is only one team for each country in sprint Relay.
Expectations on the races?
- I"ve seen that best/hardest maps will be used for finals. Qualification maps will be more physical with probably some long route choices with artificial fences. I think qualifications will be very tight races with almost no place for mistakes.
- I hope to be qualified in at least one final but it will be quite difficult to do so, only 45 will qualify in individual sprint and 36 in KO. It will be my first experience in elite class so the main thing will be to gain experience.
How have you prepared and how has your preparation gone?
- Since end of JWOC I"m preparing for sprint. I did ASOM, sprint races in Lille, lot of trainings, simulations and a camp in Italy last weekend. Everything went well, I"m in a good shape and technically confident. So we"ll se next week!
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- As Mbappé would Say : "Me, you don"t talk to me about age" 😂
ANNABELLE DELENNE, What is your programme in EOC?
- I only run the individual races. There’s the sprint the Wednesday and the KO at the end of the week, Sunday the 8th.
Expectations on the races?
- We went for a training camp in Italy and I did really enjoy the terrain! I think the races are going to be a technical challenges with difficult route choices. I expect a lot of artificial fences and some narrow streets.
- I don’t really have much expectations about results simply because it’s my first international elite competition so I’m not really aware of what I’m capable of. But I do hope to pass at least one of the qualifications and try to reach the best result in final! The main goal is to run at my level, I think it will be an amazing experience and I’m impatient to live it!
How have you prepared and how has your preparation gone?
- Since August I did try to do as much sprint training as I could. I went to Asom in Belgium and it was my first experience against elite runners. I did have to deal with little pain in my calf but nothing too serious. My shape feels good and a lot of fast training made me increase my speed so I hope for the best!
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- This competition is like « a cherry on a cake » of my season ! EOC is there like a bonus and I want to learn everything I can against the best in the world. I’m still young but every opportunity to progress has to be use 😊
Toivotamme onnea ja menestystä kaikille kauden päätapahtumaan! EM-kisoja voi seurata TV:stä YLEn kanavilta.
Vesa Mäkinen - 29.9.2023, 18:44