Ankkurin miesten ryhmä jatkaa kansainvälistymistään. Uusimpana vahvistuksena seuran värit pukee ylleen Quentin Rauturier. Quentin on jo seuraväelle tutumman ja syksyllä esitellyn Maximen nuorempi veli. Kuten alla olevasta haastattelustakin voi lukea, on veljesten suunnistuspolku kulkenut tähänkin saakka pitkälti samoja polkuja, toisiaan veljellisen hyvässä hengessä kirittäen ja kannustaen. Kuten tästä videostakin voi nähdä. Myös Quentin pääsi Ankkurin tietotoimiston piinapenkkiin:
Name: Quentin Rauturier.
Nickname: Kant or Q (for those who can’t pronounce my name)
Born: 8th July 1996
Best accomplishments so far:
During my under 18 and junior years, I got selected for 4 EYOC, 3 JEC and 3 JWOC. During those times I achieved a top 10 at the JWOC sprint in Norway, and a top 6 in sprint at JEC in Germany.
But my last JWOC in Switzerland would definitely be the highlight so far. I ended up 5th at the sprint distance and came back in the lead on the first leg at the relay. I also finished 25 at WUOC sprint the same summer.
Now as a young senior, I got selected to run 4 World Cup rounds.
Why and how you became an orienteer?
I always joke, saying that I was born into it. It’s actually true. I have been a member of an orienteering club since I was born. They were no fees for the 4th child at that time so the secretary of the club got me a license. Or so the legend says...
But I’ve always loved the family side of this sport. I first followed my siblings to regional events despite my young age (see the picture above, and enjoy the style) before being old enough to figure out I liked it too !
When I turned 13, I started to train in athletics, and got some good results the following season. Then obviously, seeing my brother Max being selected to his first EYOC was an inspiration for me to try and do better than him! I think it’s called brother’s love, I’ve always looked up to him and wish to kick his ass, but with love.
Where do you live and what do you study?
I am currently living in Lyon, France. I’m a student in the Engineering school INSA Lyon. I’ve just started specialising in mechanical engineering. I’m taking my studies a little bit slow to have time to train. So still 4 years to go. But I skip school as much as I can to go on training camps!
Plans and goals for this remaining next season and beyond:
This season the main goal will be EOC in Switzerland in the spring. Then in the summer either WOC or WUOC, depending on how good I run in the spring. After that I will aim for the two World Cup rounds in Norway and Czech Republic.
On the long term, my goal is to run a WOC and achieve a top 10 in any international events. It would also be great to finish top 3 in one of the major relay !
Previous clubs:
OK Hällen, Sweden
Why did you choose Ankkuri?
I was looking for new challenges for the coming season. And it felt like a good timing to change club now that I’m a young senior. Then of course, the fact that my brother Maxime decided to join the team helped to direct my decision toward Ankkuri.
Favourite terrain:
That would be Font-Romeu in the Pyrenees in the south of France. The terrains there are amazing, and sometimes quite close to Scandinavian terrain. But you also have a wonderful scenery every time you finish your training with some amazing views over the mountains.
As a French you probably expect me to say Thierry, but in that generation I actually always looked up to François Gonon and Damien Renard. I had a signed hat from Damien that I would always wear. Then in 2015, it turned out that Damien coached us before JWOC and most of my teammates only vaguely knew his name! I think he gave me then some very good advice that played a big part in my development. But he probably doesn’t know that.
Favourite relay leg:
I have run mostly first legs the past years, in the French Team and for OK Hällen. But for my French club I’m always running the last leg. So I think I’m quite polyvalent. But I like to run in the pack, makes me more aggressive. So running in the early legs is what I like best.
Best orienteering memory:
That is an impossible question ! I have some many good memories.
But probably the relay at JWOC in Switzerland was the best of them. I was leading the all race, I felt so strong physically and everything was going as I imagined. When coming to the spectator control, it really felt like an explosion of cheering, and Per Forsberg was screaming my name, and stuff like “vive la France”. That was crazy ! And I managed to keep up and cross the finish line first. We ended at a good 4th place after the 3 legs.
Otherwise to achieve the individual goal I had set for myself 3 years before and finishing 5th in the sprint in Switzerland was quite the feeling.
Other hobbies:
Once upon a time I played the drums... but now I love to watch TV-shows and movies, and to spend some quality time talking shit with my friends.
Favourite dish:
a good Fondue Savoyarde : melted cheese, bread, and ham, everything you need to be happy !
and drink: a fresh coke gets you through anything.
Marital status:
Free like the wind !
Free style or classic style?
Definitely free style !
Greetings to your new club mates
I hope all of you will be in great shape this spring for Tiomila and Jukola ! I wish you a good winter training and an injury free season !
Bienvenue Quentin!
Vesa Mäkinen - 20.12.2017, 16:38